
A Proven Method. Bringing clarity and repeatability to Innovation is what differentiates StoneLaurel from other innovation firms.  We believe that you should be able to innovate continuously, with the confidence that you can create real transformation and yet control the risks often associated with future endeavors.

Experience Design

While features and functions are easily copied, an exceptional consumer experience can rank among your company’s most precious intellectual property as well as its most powerful competitive differentiator. Let us help you craft an experience that will change the way your consumers think about you and alter the way your employees approach their work.

Product/Service Design

Knowing what makes your customers tick might seem easier than ever, but what are their core aspirations? How can you use that knowledge to identify innovation opportunities before you invest? Knowing how to bridge the gap between big data and personal behaviors can make the difference between loyalty and attrition. StoneLaurel will help guide you through the process not only understand those aspirations and reduce your overall risk in innovation investment, but also design products and services to help reach them.

Speed to Market

What if the secrets to speedy delivery of quality products and services were hiding in plain sight? What if your company could drive double-digit, bottom-line growth without hiring, staffing up or investing in a new technology? StoneLaurel will help uncover the barriers to speed and quality through Speed to Market workshops, Project/Process assessment and team mentoring.


Do you want to build talent and skills to meet your innovation goals and objectives? StoneLaurel provides Workshops, Leadership and team member coaching, and Co-leadership for initiatives. We have executed successful innovation products in the market. We can help you understand the pitfalls and opportunities to drive success.

Execution Support

Quality delivery, speed to market and on-budget delivery are the foundation of product development. Our unique and proven models provide the path to the realization of those goals as well as:

  • Simpler resource allocation
  • Better project prioritization
  • Dramatically increased benefit realization & productivity
  • Renewed employee engagement