
You deserve an accomplished partner with the passion to bring your vision to life

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Business Solutions

Whether you’re navigating a merger, leveraging offshore opportunities, or updating your technology infrastructure, you need proven strategic expertise on your side. Find out how we can help.

Core Technology

To adapt, manage, and leverage risk, your organization requires a partner with deep technology expertise. Whether you’re doing a refresh, developing applications, or updating BC/DR plans.

Optimization & Efficiency

Whether your organization is undergoing localized change or you want global transformation, you deserve a partner with proven methodology & customized solutions to optimize your outcomes.


In order to stay ahead of the curve, outsmart your competitors and drive consumer/ customer loyalty, you need a partner to help you get out of the commodity cycle in the near term.


Our Latest Project

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Case Studies


pills_insGeorge A. Williams, Jr
Chief Integration Officer

  • - One of the country’s largest banks, a Fortune 100 company, had a vision in 2012 to roll out new technology in 17,000 ATM machines that would introduce the availability of live, teller-assisted video options. Leadership, however, felt they needed a stronger plan for project management and organization to determine the best approach to test, pilot and integrate the new technology. They called on StoneLaurel for solutions.

pills_insTed N. Shelton, CDP
Global Accounts Director

  • - In 2012, one of the nation’s largest insurance corporations decided to roll out new initiatives on client computing, messaging, and collaboration in its corporate offices. Leadership felt those plans could be better organized and executed – and possibly consolidated into one program – and enlisted StoneLaurel to conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (S.W.O.T.) analysis on the projects.


  • - In 2013, a leading regional health insurance company’s IT unit experienced considerable change: It had seen two CIOs in three years and other leadership roles had rotated, while outsourcing and offshoring positions had made the group smaller. Department heads came to StoneLaurel asking how to best optimize their business and redefine their goals while maintaining a strong identity and a renewed energy for the team.


  • - In 2014, a major southeastern retailer’s Chief People Officer was eight months into the job and seeking direction. She wanted a long-term vision to propel the HR department forward. she also required a near-term plan that would alleviate immediate operational challenges.


Who We Are

StoneLaurel is a management consulting firm with the capabilities of a large provider and the personal touch of a boutique partner. Headquartered in Charlotte, NC, we’ve been moving our clients’ business forward for more than 20 years.

We believe that trust matters, and that relationships are the foundation of good business. We put people first with flexible methodologies, client focus, and forward thinking. Our seasoned team applies deep industry knowledge to create practical solutions.

We understand where you’re coming from. Let us help you get where you’re going.

What Clients Say About StoneLaurel:

“I can always count on the excellent expertise and capabilities of the StoneLaurel team. Multiple times in my career I have taken over large teams with major hurdles to overcome, and it is good to be able to count on a vendor like StoneLaurel who can bring in highly knowledgeable staff that make a difference. And even better, Stoney and StoneLaurel take a partnering approach, focusing foremost on what is most important for your company, ensuring that not just the short terms tasks are resolved but also the long term capabilities are put in place.”

COO, Danske Bank

“The value of StoneLaurel was evident from the first day. Their team immediately jumped right in, demonstrated their knowledge and partnered with our team members. They quickly earned our trust and brought focus, structure, and insight in a time of change.”

SVP, Independence Blue Cross

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How We Work

Our team engages with your team exactly where you are. Then, we help you get where you want to be.
In short, we create solid, smart, and viable strategies that move your business forward.
work1 Strategic Expertise : On-the-Ground Competence


work2 Industry-Leading Tools : Personalized Attention


work3 Proven Methodology : Customized Solutions



Contact us today to see how we can leverage our expertise to help strategically solve your challenges.

(704) 333-8878